For Baptisms and Weddings please contact Revd Liz Hollis on 07985984827 or the Benefice Office on 07731 506408

or failing this, either of the churchwardens, Eileen Bithell 07952 594770 or Sam Johnson 07711 859136


Benefice Office: St John’s Centre Newcastle Rd Trent Vale Stoke-on-Trent ST4 6LT

Opening hours : Wednesdays

12.00noon to 1pm.


The is no fee for a service of Baptism.

Certificate of Baptism , if required £14.00


Publication of Banns of Marriage £32.00

Certificate of Banns issued after publication £16.00

Marriage Service in church £766.00

Video of service - to be confirmed.


For Funerals please contact Revd Liz Hollis as first port of call on 07985984827. Failing this Revd Fran Bridgewater on 07488347858.

Service in church, cemetery or crematorium £497.00

Burial in churchyard, preceding or following on from service in church £313.00

Burial in churchyard, on separate occasion, or without service in church £341.00

Burial in cemetery or cremation immediately preceding or following on from service in church £ 30.00

Burial certificate if required £ 14.00

Searches in Registers etc

For the first hour (inclusive of one copy of an entry in certain registers) £30.00

For each subsequent hour or part of an hour £30.00

Additional copies of entries £14.00

For additional information on fees etc, please contact the Benefice Office on 07731 506408 or either of the Churchwardens, Mrs Eileen Bithell 07952 594770 or Mr Steve Copner 07467 194013.