Poppies and Parties

A seasonal letter from St John the Evangelist Church, Trent Vale

December 2023

Like the autumn winds, we at St John’s seem to be in a constant whirl of activity. Plans for services and social events are in full swing as we are in the exciting season of Advent.

Even looking back over recent weeks with services and times of reflection there has been a feeling of energy with love and solidarity in the air.

Revd Liz is already part of our church family and her black greyhound ‘Annie’ is very much at home in the centre, sleeping soundly on her rug and enjoying lots of attention; a calm and reassuring presence for many of us who don’t have a pet of our own.

Revd Mike and Revd Fran have settled into their Trentham home where the model railway track is already up and running!

Work on the church is on schedule with the interior stonework cleaned and the work on the roof is underway. The scaffolding inside the church is a marvel to see, like a giant Meccano set.

Knitting machines and sewing machines have been employed to raise funds for our own church and St Chads in Table View, Cape Town, where we continue to help with the House of Bread programme with bread and refreshments as well as small gift bags to local needy children. A sobering comparison to our own lives and its luxuries.

Our giving continues within our own church family where everyone receives a birthday gift and card. We are grateful for the printed and hand-made cards and discreet donations that make this possible. We also able to offer gifts and cards for other reasons and occasions and this year we have so far sent three hundred cards and seventy gifts.

The newsletter is a valued and eagerly awaited outreach which I still write by hand, the task of trying to read and type it falling to a congregation member. It is much appreciated as it is distributed not only locally but to friends and former members of our church living far away.

Hard work has gone into preparing the Centre for services and special events such as the Monday morning Welcome Spaces where free toast and hot drinks are served to a growing number. Friends from other churches in the Benefice are joining us as are the Craft Group (previously upstairs in the Training Room).

It was on Sunday 29th October when we went to Penkhull Church for a Benefice service led by Revd Fran with the sermon by Revd Liz. As much as we love our Centre it was lovely to be back in church again.

We are grateful for all the hard work being done by the Fire Committee to compile the necessary reports and attend the many meetings that will ensure our church will be suitable not only for ourselves but for future generations too.

Building Site-Manager Rob is a frequent visitor to our Centre and is a much-appreciated friend who knows the church family and we know the church is in good hands.

On Sunday 5th November we attended a Remembered in Love service in the Centre where Revd Mike had carefully laid small purple organza bags on all the blue chairs. These contained a small candle and prayer with a small seed-impregnated heart. Something for us to take home as during the service the names of loved ones appeared on the screen and we invited to go forward to light a candle. Revd Mike spoke of love as eyes were wiped and caring arms offered. One of the occasions when our church family kindly offers love and support.

The following Friday on Armistice Day a free lunch was held. The smell of Lobby was in the air, all served with crusty bread followed by apple pie and custard finishing off with a cheese board. Eighteen hungry diners had arrived including Revd Liz who had no idea what Lobby was but was willing to give it a try and found she liked it. Neil Baldwin (Nello) also enjoyed the meal. We are always amazed to hear of his many travels with his latest trip being to Canterbury Cathedral for an Ordination service where he sat with Archbishop Justin.

Sunday 12th November was Remembrance Sunday and on arrival Revd Liz gave us red and white paper poppies. The red poppy to pin on a world map where we knew there was war and conflict; the white poppy to write our prayers for peace which we added to a silver wire cross. Penkhull Village Brass played, giving the occasion a special atmosphere. Our vicar spoke of Remembrance and what it means to different generations; that Remembrance of those who served and died might not be forgotten by future generations so as to be a power for future actions. The service was well attended by sixty adults and sixteen young people.

Harold Gregory, wearing his service beret and medals, laid a wreath of poppies on the altar in Remembrance of the Fallen after the two-minute silence was observed.

Susan, the Head of St John’s Primary, was present with pupils with their handmade wreaths bearing messages of gratitude to the fallen. The Roll of Honour was set in a beautiful display in the foyer and as the names were read, they appeared on the large screen on a background of falling poppies.

After the service, poppy decorated cookies were soon consumed and a small party took the wreaths and laid them on the World War 1 War Memorial in the church grounds. There were many compliments on how well the service had gone, appealing to all age groups.

The following Saturday it was all systems go preparing the Centre for our main fundraising event of the year, our Christmas Fair. This is always well supported and this year’s total of £2,500 was truly astonishing. A worthwhile result for all the hard work that had gone in to the selling of raffle tickets, working on the stalls and serving refreshments. Items not sold were donated to the Dougie Mac shop in Trentham.

On Sunday 26th November the service was led by Mike Whittaker. He was in fine ex-teacher form and we are so pleased that he has now received clear results after his treatment. A great relief for him and his wife Chris and their family and friends.

In spite of the falling snow, on Saturday 2nd December Penkhull Village Brass Juniors Band performed in the Centre at their Christmas Dessert Challenge fundraising event to go to “Band Camp” next year. We listened as they played familiar Christmas tunes including ‘Frosty the Snowman’, ‘Little Donkey’ and poignantly ‘Fairy-tale in New York’ and finally the band’s favourite, ‘Carol of the Bell’s’. The amount of food was amazing with a choice of three soups and whole tables of desserts. So much hard work by the friends and family of the band gave us an evening to remember. Even Santa had paid a visit! It was a wonderful evening to remember as we left in the still falling snow.

We were amazed to see just how much snow had fallen on Advent Sunday morning and the decision to cancel the service was made.

The following morning, I watched from my kitchen window as some of the band members from the performance the night before enjoyed a snowball fight with shrieks of laughter.

Next morning the snow had melted and we met at the Centre for the usual Monday Welcome Spaces gathering.

On Friday 8th December twenty-six of us went to the New Victoria Theatre to see ‘Uncle Eric’s Pride and Prejudice’. I have to say I will never watch that film again without remembering the jokes and music of the show. Jackie Barnes had kindly organised the visit and is now already taking orders for next year’s Eric’s 25th Anniversary Concert and two further shows later in the year.

Our Star Sunday service was held on Sunday 10th December and this very popular service was well attended. The beautiful tall decorated Christmas tree stands in the foyer festooned with hundreds of stars bearing messages in memory of loved ones. Revd Liz led the service and visitors later said they were not sure how they would cope on what was an emotional day but were leaving feeling lighter and calm. We are grateful to have the opportunity to have a place to remember our loved ones as for many of us it is the only one. We will see these stars during Christmas and later they will be blessed and burnt with the ashes scattered on the cross-shaped planter at the Centre.

We are so fortunate that we have a balance in life and the following morning saw thirty of us meeting in the Centre for the Christmas Welcome Spaces party. Linda stood to give us a short speech expressing her appreciation for all the hard work Revd’s Mike and Liz and the Church Wardens, Eileen and Steve, and others do for our church and community. This was enthusiastically agreed by all present.

After the Wednesday service, thirty of us went across to the Black Lion pub for Christmas Dinner. This had been arranged by Jackie Barnes and we were all grateful to Jackie and the staff of the Black Lion for a lovely meal.

Looking forward, on 16th December it will be the Children’s Christmas Party, partly funded by the Ward Budget, and then on the Sunday evening the lovely service of Nine Lessons and Carols.

We are so grateful to all who support us and donate to the Food Bank, the Children’s Society to which £669.67 was given, our Fire Fund and the Christian Aid Walk raising £215.00 this year. The organiser of the walk in this area, John Bamford, rang to express his thanks to our Benefice saying that a total of £28,689 was raised in North Staffs. The walk next year will be on 16th March.

As we look ahead to Christmas sharing gifts and spending time with family and friends, we know that for some it will be a challenging time for many different reasons. We send you our love from St John’s and wherever you are, may you feel the love of our Lord and may his presence give you comfort and peace.

Bobbie and all your friends at St John’s Trent Vale.