The Team
Rector: Revd Liz Hollis and Revd Fran Bridgewater work together under the leadership of Revd Adrian Stone as Associate Vicars for the Benefice of Hartshill, Penkhull and Trent Vale.
Revd Liz has primary responsibility for St John’s.
Churchwarden : Eileen Bithell
Churchwarden : Samantha Johnson
Treasurer : Nick Parkes
Parish Secretary: Samantha Johnson
Parish Clerk : Lesley Smith
Sacristan: Lesley Smith
Assistant Sacristan : Moira Lewis
Pastoral Team Leader: Bobbie Salt
Pastoral support: Steve Copner
WW1 Commemoration Liaison : Richard George
Safeguarding Officer: Samantha Johnson
Parochial Church Council (PCC) Members :
Eileen Bithell, Steve Copner, Samantha Johnson, Laraine Jones, Maureen Griffiths, Mark Bilbie, Lesley Smith, Bobbie Salt, Janet Mcevoy, Janet Oram, Jackie Barnes, John Buttery, Nick Parkes.
St John’s Centre Manager: Eileen Bithell
Caretaker : John Bithell