Easter 2019 Newsletter

I am writing this letter on a beautiful warm Easter Monday morning, thinking back to the colder days of Lent.

In March the Women’s World day of Prayer Service was held at The Methodist Church in London Road Stoke. The service this year was compiled by the women of Slovenia. Ladies from our Benefice were pleased to take part. It is always interesting to learn about the culture and challenges faced by women in other countries. We enjoyed an evening of good fellowship with refreshments and we were all presented with a red carnation.

Benefice services were held on Mothering Sunday and Palm Sunday with evenings of “Reflections” held during Holy week. On Maundy Thursday Reverend Chris, now recovering from facial surgery, led the annual coach trip to Lichfield Cathedral for the Chrism Eucharist with Renewal of Commitment to Ministry and Blessing of Oils.

The Bishop of Lichfield, Rt. Revd. Dr Michael Ipgrave O.B.E, led the service in which he spoke of the devastating fire at Notra Dame Cathedral in Paris and of how Lichfield Cathedral had also suffered from severe fire damage and had extensive restoration work done in 1660 and later.

After the service we all left from the huge doors behind us, being greeted by the Bishops of Lichfield, Wolverhampton and Stafford.

Revd Chris collected the holy oils for use in our Benefice, and then joined us on the coach which took us to Shallowford House for lunch.

Thinking about lunch !

Thinking about lunch !

Enjoying the sunshine.

Enjoying the sunshine.

In the evening Revd Chris led the Easter vigil eucharist service in which he washed the feet of the Lay Readers and members of the congregation. The service ended with the stripping of the Altar and Church of all ornaments and linens etc. The lit candle stands were taken to the side Altar in the Lady chapel, where in all twenty candles glowed as the main lighting was dimmed and the congregation moved silently to take part in “The Watch”. A time for prayer and reflection on the events in the garden of Gethsemane, where the disciples failed to stay awake and Jesus prayed and asked them “Couldn’t you watch with me for one hour”?

Good Friday saw the service with the three crosses being held at Hartshill Church. At 2pm inside St John’s, Revd Chris and Anne Riddle led the slow procession around the church pausing at each station of the cross, stages in Jesus’s final journey to the cross. There was readings, prayers and hymns which included “O Sacred head sore wounded” and “Were you there when they crucified my Lord”? The process ended at the Easter Garden complete with crosses and tomb.

A solemn hour ended, and we emerged into brilliant sunshine and rushing traffic. It seemed in sharp contrast to our sombre thoughts. Many of us can remember the days when Good Friday was a quiet Holy day with shops closed, only the fish mongers open until noon, so fish could be bought for dinner. How things have changed!

It had been a profoundly moving and deeply thoughtful week. Our sincere thanks to Revd Chris and all the ministry team for their services during Holy week and indeed for steering us so effectively through the whole season of Lent.

Sam Rev David.jpg

Easter Sunday arrived, the Easter garden built by Lesley Smith now saw the stone rolled from the entrance of the tomb and flowers in bloom. Beautiful floral arrangements by Audrey Smith gave bright colour after the austere days of Lent. Revd Chris led the well-attended Dawn Mass at 7.30am and there was a welcome return to our former vicar David Watkin, accompanied by his wife Jackie, for the 10.00 Eucharistic service which he led with great energy and vigour. A good size congregation enjoyed joyful singing including “In Christ Alone” which Revd David asked to be sung again as it was his favourite, and he had missed singing it the first time as he was occupied at the altar.

Although it is Spring, I thought we had reaped the harvest of generosity and talents from so many people. From Marj Stacey’s Lent project of making lovely Easter bunnies, daintily dressed and carrying backpacks of cream eggs, which raised much appreciated funds for our church. Joan Edwards provided a huge hamper of chocolates, won by Millie Boult who donated this to the Pastoral Team to pass on to whoever would like it. A kind thought.

Many thanks to all who gave donations to the Easter flowers and to Rick Johnson who supplied the creme eggs that were distributed by the children during the service. Merin and Matthew had both read during the service and helped with the Offertory.

Rick had recently lost his mum Sandie, who had generously supported our Pastoral work over the years. Her family has very kindly carried this on by giving the collection from Sandie’s funeral to St John’s Pastoral work. Thank you so much.

Rest in God’s care Sandie.

Rest in God’s care Sandie.

We were joined on Easter Sunday by Rick’s wife Sam and members of his family from Nottingham, Tony and Deb. It would have been Sandie’s birthday weekend also.

We were also pleased to meet Nick’s parents from Derby. Nick and Sonia will be married in our church later in the year.

Old friends had joined us and commented on how wonderful it was to be able to sit in comfort and see the whole service on the large screen, which meant no juggling with service and hymn books. This is also appreciated by those who physically need to help family and friends. We are fortunate to have the lovely music and graphics that suit the occasions.

We continue to seek ways of helping those who attend our church and earlier in the year Revd Chris blessed the new “baby changing unit”, paid for by donations in memory of Grace Boughey. May she rest in peace and love.

We also have gluten free wafers and alcohol-free wine for use, as required, in the Eucharistic services and food and chocolates from the “free from range” for those needing it at refreshment times.

After the service a long queue formed for refreshments. Joan Edwards had made such a variety of delicious cakes, it reminded me of the baking competition at the County show! So much time was spent enjoying them and having a good time in fellowship, John Bithell was having to ask if we had homes to go to as he wanted his dinner and needed to lock up!

What diet !

What diet !

We left feeling light of heart. We are blessed at St John’s to know we belong to a true Christian family, there for us to offer help and support. This was evident from the number of Easter cards we received bearing messages of gratitude from both near and far. Many further afield value the Newsletter to help them keep informed of what is happening at St John’s. For some, the Christian family is the only one they have.

We had been pleased to meet former Rector Sandy Dutton with husband Pat at our Maundy Thursday evening service.

We had come through Lent to Easter Sunday. Revd David spoke of the awful events in Sri Lanka and the persecution of Christians throughout the world. He reminded us of the promise of Eternal life that Jesus has given us, and this must be of great comfort to those in the congregation who had recently lost loved ones.

Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make Easter such a wonderful experience.

So many work so hard throughout the year in the Church and the Church Centre to benefit the community.

Special thanks to our Churchwardens Eileen and Steve for their continued help.

We send you love at Easter from all friends at St John’s Church.

Bobbie Salt x

N.B. Churchwardens note. We want to add our sincere gratitude to Bobbie for her exceptional kindness and consideration of all people, particularly during her pastoral work. It is very much appreciated.

Eileen and Steve.