
Stained-glass window scene of jesus blessing the children.

Sunday and Weekday Services - all welcome!

Eucharist (or Communion) follows Jesus’ wish that we all share bread and wine ‘in remembrance of me’. There is always a Eucharist in one of the churches of the Benefice each Sunday.

Sundays - 10.00am. 11th August  Morning Worship Revd Liz

18th August Morning Worship Revd Liz

25th August Morning Worship Lay Led

1st September Holy Communion Revd Liz & Bishop Matthew

8th September Morning Worship Revd Liz

15th September Holy Communion Revd Liz. Alan Smith to preach.

22nd September Morning Worship Revd Liz. Mike Whittaker to preach

29th September Morning Worship Revd Liz

Harvest 6th October Holy Communion Revd Liz with Penkhull Village Brass

13th October Morning Worship Revd Liz

Wednesdays - 10.00am Unless stated otherwise all mid-week services are Morning Worship

All Sunday and Wednesday services are followed by light refreshments.

Please come and join us!

See also the link to the St John’s Centre “What’s on page”